

klaxon gumsulOpen Call Program Performance

is an alarm sound sent by an old man who picks up waste paper for people living in this era.

목록형 기본 테이블
Date Time Place RunningTime Address MySchedule
09.30(Sat) 18:30 Mugyo-ro 30min.
  • 09.30(Sat)
10.01(Sun) 18:30 Mugyo-ro 30min.
  • 10.01(Sun)

About Program

An old man who sees the value in beings that are so easily discarded and disappear in the name of advancing human civilization amongst the rubbish embraces them in his heart, extending their life for a moment. When the old man is about to die, he becomes a fish, swims away, free from the beings who control him (the puppetmaster) and enjoys his true freedom.


Since 1997, Gumsul has been continuously researching new forms of puppet making using puppets and objects as materials, as well as the movement of objects, and has continued to create small-scale artworks and original works with less than two people. It is also an organization that emphasizes individualized painting and artistic expression.


Director : Singi Kim

Performer : Eunkyoung Song

Operator : Haikyoung Kim 

Music : Seokjin Chae